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Most Common HVAC Emergency Repair

Serving Families Throughout Winston
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Functional HVAC is not something we do without! Call Comfort Solutions, today! 

You know by now how extreme the climate can get in the Greater Atlanta area. Now, imagine braving those extreme temperatures without your trusty HVAC equipment! Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems are your lifeline to a comfortable, cozy, and safe living environment. So, these components need to inspire confidence and reliability. In the frigid winter months, your furnace is your savior against the bitter chill, making your HVAC system more than just a comfort measure.

Climate control breakdowns can happen at any time—some are solvable by simply switching your breaker off and on, or replacing a used filter. But, when you get those “oh no!” moments, and a component fails unexpectedly, it can cause chaos during icy winters or scorching summers. To keep peace of mind and stay comfy-cozy, you need a trusted HVAC Emergency Repair company in your contact list.

From least common to most common, we tackle all your emergency HVAC needs

We’ve been doing this since 2009, so we’ve both seen and heard of some really weird HVAC stories. From digital thermostat remotes that are installed with the same frequency as the neighbor’s garage door opener, to carpet that’s installed on top of a working floor register, some pretty strange tales of HVAC problems fall way outside the scope of climate control. They’re pretty out of control! But these situations are usually pretty rare, even if they do happen from time to time.

Many times, HVAC Emergency Repair issues are quite solvable, at least by a seasoned professional. But when the issues get more complex, that’s when they start to fall into the HVAC Emergency Repair category. It’s important to have someone on call that you trust for your residential or commercial HVAC needs. Comfort Solutions has been offering 5-star HVAC Emergency Repair services to homeowners and business owners throughout the Greater Atlanta area for decades, and we are here for all your emergency heating and cooling needs!

Is your home or business controlling the climate like it should? If your HVAC repair technician mentions any of these things, you can expect certain behaviors from your HVAC. 

What Your Technician SaysTriggered Behavior
“Your refrigerant is low.”Despite your AC unit running constantly to keep up, it’s getting hotter and hotter inside
“Your blower motor is bad.”A banging noise and a burning smell occurred, and your AC stopped on a dime
“Your condensation line is clogged”Your thermostat stopped working at the same time your air conditioning quit
“You have a bad compressor”When your AC quit, it tripped a breaker that refuses to be reset
“You have a bad capacitor”Your AC fan is now blowing what feels like hot air through the vents

As with many things in life, temporarily fixing the problem may not FIX the problem. What we mean is that there may be a reason why your refrigerant is leaking, for instance. To get your AC temporarily back online, your Comfort Solutions tech could refill your Freon, Puron, or whatever refrigerant your system uses. But the reason WHY there is a leak is something worth investigating. If left unattended, your unit will continue to give you problems, and potentially put your family at risk. Comfort Solutions can help guide you in not just fixing your problem, but in locating and eradicating the source of your problem. We also offer regular maintenance services that will help you avoid emergency HVAC situations like you might currently be facing.

Other common emergencies could warrant further HVAC emergency repair 

Getting caught off-guard without knowing how to handle HVAC repair emergencies that may arise during extreme temperatures, or even in critical junctures like the holidays is never a pleasant experience. To prevent a festive disaster, or even severe injury or trauma to yourself and your people,

Comfort Solutions is here to help you tackle some of the most common issues you may encounter, like these issues:

  • The ignition or pilot light may fail, rendering your gas supply useless for HVAC
  • AC units and heaters that are older than a decade, and tend to break down due to old age
  • A malfunctioning thermostat can prevent communication between units and your temperature preferences
  • Leaking refrigerant fluid, which is often the result of a lack of recent AC service
  • An electrical system failure, can prevent your unit from turning on altogether
  • Sensor problems, which can usually be avoided by scheduling an annual tune-up with a trusted HVAC service company
  • Improper drainage, may result in flooding for indoor AC units, resulting in expensive clean-up costs.

Don’t let HVAC problems catch you off guard! Preventing them is easier than you might think. Start with hiring HVAC service technicians at least once a year. To be extra safe, most experts recommend getting your furnace and air conditioner inspected twice a year: before summer and before winter. This way, you can detect any damages caused by recent usage and get your HVAC system ready for the coming months. Remember, your AC works hard throughout the summer and your furnace through the winter, so make sure to take care of them!

With decades of experience, we’ve seen the most common HVAC Emergency Repair situations, and know what to do when you encounter one.

Comfort Solutions has been providing 5-star emergency AC repair services to homeowners and business owners throughout the Greater Atlanta area since 2009. We offer industry-leading heating and cooling services, and our techs are trained, certified, and motivated to help you control the climate in your space. We have a very low turnover rate with our employees, and we believe that great people and great clients make a great company! When you need emergency HVAC repairs, trust the professionals who care, and who will be there when you need us most. Trust Comfort Solutions Heating and Cooling, LLC!
