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Is It Time To Upgrade Your Heating And Cooling System?

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Upgrading Your Heating and Cooling System is a Big Deal. Comfort Solutions Can Help You Be Prepared for Taking the Next Big Step!

Here in the South, a fully functioning heating and cooling system is essential for any household or business. A perfectly functioning HVAC unit is a thing of art that most of us will only recognize when it stops working at optimum levels. People often take heating and air conditioning systems for granted, and expect them to keep functioning smoothly and efficiently for all eternity. However, your old HVAC systems could be costing you big money in the long-term, based on inefficiency of operation, as well as potential repair costs to your unit.

If your HVAC is on its last leg, an upgrade can lower these costs, and regulate your home temperatures more efficiently. If your system is older than 10 years, you should be considering a replacement. If your air conditioner, furnace, or boiler runs a lot, like all the time, and never seems to make your home or office comfortable, that is another sign your system needs to be replaced. While upgrading your heating and cooling system is a significant investment, it can be cost-effective in the long run.

People are often concerned about HVAC replacement costs, but there comes a point where not replacing your Heating and Cooling System is far more costly than not replacing your HVAC System. Our professionals can help you decide when it’s time to replace your heating and air conditioning system. We can even show you ways to minimize your heating and A/C replacement costs, and get a new high-efficiency system for as low as $15 a week!

Energy efficiency assessments for your heating and cooling system

Before considering an upgrade, you should have an expert inspect your HVAC system for air leaks. These can be problematic if left unattended and can waste major money while killing your climate control capabilities. Getting this issue resolved means you can have a cheap and affordable solution to your problems, and you don’t have to shell out money for an upgrade. Often, air leaks are the root of HVAC problems, and they are fairly inexpensive to treat. You can get a specialized Greater Atlanta area HVAC service professional to check the system for air leaks and repair them for a surprisingly small amount.

The first step to go through when considering an upgrade to your HVAC system is to get an energy assessment check performed by a professional. There are many energy evaluation professionals available in Greater Atlanta, Marietta, and West Georgia who can check your heating and air system for total efficiency. You may even get the cost of having the energy assessment subsidized by your electric company. Don’t hesitate to ask if you are eligible for any subsidies from your electric company. They may even recommend a professional energy efficiency technician. This is an excellent first step in upgrading your climate control, primarily because it allows you to properly insulate your home and patch up any leaks. If your energy efficiency professional doesn’t find any leaks or other quick fixes, it may be time to move on to the next step: searching for the right HVAC replacement professional.

Find an HVAC professional for your heating and cooling system upgrade 

You may be wondering about what steps you need to take to get your old heating or air conditioning system replaced or upgraded. Firstly, you should seek consultation with a qualified HVAC service professional in your area. You should be certain as to whether or not they have the correct certifications and licensing. This is because an HVAC System that is installed incorrectly can have devastating consequences for your household or business for years to come. If your system is incorrectly sized or poorly placed, it can make your system run very inefficiently, or even cause the release of dangerous toxins into your house or building. You should therefore check if the professional has the right kinds of certifications, like a NATE certification, which shows that they have a relevant national certification. You deserve to have the best professionals for your HVAC replacement job. We believe the best HVAC replacement professionals in Greater Atlanta and West Georgia are the pros of Comfort Solutions Heating and Air. Every Comfort Solutions technician is trained, licensed, experienced, and certified at the highest level possible. When you choose Comfort Solutions, you get the absolute best. We guarantee it!

Make sure your heating and cooling specialist is thorough 

When it comes to your home or your business, you want a heating and air conditioning company that has the experience and expertise you need to give you the most honest feedback regarding your HVAC situation. If you don’t need an HVAC Replacement, our service technicians will never advise you to get one. If you do need one, our folks will help you through every step of the way in owning your new replacement HVAC system.

Specifically, an HVAC professional should be able to do several key things on their own, without any outside help. For instance, they should be able to create a load calculation without very much trouble at all. This will be used to determine the proper size of your system. A load calculation should take into account several factors such as local weather, ventilation needs, windows, and insulation levels, just to name a few. If the HVAC professional is unable to conduct a proper load calculation or to do other very rudimentary tasks, then he or she is not fit for the job.

You also need to be wary if they don’t adhere strictly to the very highest quality installation specifications. It is never wise to risk your health and money to someone who wants to take shortcuts on an HVAC replacement installation that could compromise your health.

HVAC systems are the foundation of a safe and comfortable household and the lifeblood of your business’s climate control. Be aware of what signs to look out for that indicate a replacement is required. An upgrade can provide long-term benefits that the whole household will notice. Most importantly, be sure that the person you trust with the HVAC installation is looking out for your safety and well-being at all times. When you think you need an HVAC replacement, call the professionals from Comfort Solutions Heating and Cooling. We’re here for all your Heating and Cooling System needs.
