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How Often You Should Get Your Air Conditioner Serviced

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You don’t want to mess around when it comes to your air conditioner. As the days get warmer, you’re going to have to use it more and more, and if it needs to be fixed, it’s best you get on it before the dog days of summer get here. But, how much service is enough? As you look into companies that provide HVAC service in Marietta, here are a few things to keep in mind.

For increased efficiency - get consistent air conditioning service 

Time takes its toll on all of us, even air conditioners. Experts say you can expect to lose about 5% of your HVAC’s efficiency for every year it’s not serviced. That can add up. But don’t give up. The good news is, that when serviced regularly, your A/C can recover nearly all of its original performance. This will ensure peak performance when you’re relying on your air conditioning the most.

Service your AC regularly - hire an experienced air conditioning service provider 

It’s recommended that you have your HVAC inspected annually. It may seem excessive, but you must have your A/C inspected even if it doesn’t seem to need it. You may not always notice air conditioning when it’s there, but you will notice when your A/C goes on the fritz. Be sure to get it checked regularly, so you’re never in that position. And, when you’re using your A/C regularly, remember to switch out your A/C filter every 30 days to keep it functioning properly.

Getting consistent air conditioning service saves money

Typically, you can expect to spend approximately $60 to $100 for air conditioning service in Marietta. When you figure out that can reduce your electric bill by up to 15%, you can see how savings can add up quickly. Also, service is important because a licensed expert will detect any serious problems with your HVAC before they get any worse, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars in unnecessary repairs.

It's good for your health 

Air conditioning doesn’t just cool you off. HVACs keep the humidity at a manageable level, so you never feel sticky and smelly. They also clear the air of dust and pollen, as well as outdoor smoke and smog. Keeping your A/C serviced regularly can help prevent bouts of asthma, as well as allergy attacks, and that can only be beneficial to everyone’s immune system.

Air conditioning has become such a staple of modern life, that we frequently don’t even notice it. But, to live comfortably, you need to keep it running, and that requires an air conditioning service expert to come to your home and service it once a year. If you keep this schedule up, you’ll be able to rely on your HVAC for years to come.

You just can’t beat a reliable, experienced Air Conditioning Service like Comfort Solutions. We’re here for all your Heating and Cooling needs!
