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Basic Components Of An Effective Heating And Air Conditioning System

Serving Families Throughout Winston
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An efficient heating and cooling system is essential to your family’s comfort. It’s also important to your bank account. When an HVAC system is running well or to its full potential, utility bills bear the brunt. Homeowners who are looking for ways to improve their heating and air conditioning in Hiram should follow these suggestions.

Are you having thermostat issues with your heating and cooling system?

A thermostat that isn’t working or set correctly means your air conditioner in Hiram isn’t going to work as well as it could. Sometimes thermostats don’t work as well as they could because they’re in the wrong area of the home. For example, thermostats that are in dark hallways or in sunny areas may record the temperature incorrectly. HVAC technicians also recommend installing smart thermostats that adjust your home’s temperature based on your family’s individual needs. These thermostats pick up on your habits and adjust the thermostat accordingly.

Clean air improves performance - Keep your heating and air conditioning system optimized

When was the last time you changed your air conditioning and heating unit’s filter? Many homeowners fail to change the filter regularly, but doing so improves airflow from the unit through the ductwork out through the vents into the rooms in your home. A filter clogged with dust, dirt, and dander also puts more stress on the unit causing it to run harder than it needs to. When this happens, the HVAC unit is using more energy than necessary. Cheap filters usually last about 30 days, but more expensive filters can last as long as 60 – 90 days.

Air duct cleaning is an important part of keeping your heating and air conditioning system working

Another part of your HVAC system that requires attention is the air ducts in your home. Ductwork can become dirty from pet dander, rodent droppings, insects, and other items. When air can’t move freely through the ductwork (like with the air filter), the furnace and air conditioner will run harder. Specialists recommend air duct cleaning once every couple of years. However, if you have a lot of pets, recently bought a home, or smoke in the home, you may need more frequent air cleaning.

Don't overlook regular maintenance for your heating and air conditioning system

HVAC units, depending on the model and type, have the ability to last as long as 20 years with proper maintenance. Addressing small issues and making inexpensive repairs goes a long way toward assuring that you’ll get many years of comfortable heating and cooling. It also goes a long way toward avoiding expensive, unexpected repairs while also increasing the efficiency of furnaces and air conditioning units. Scheduling bi-annual HVAC checks with a local heating and air conditioning company is inexpensive and effective. Most companies recommend servicing the air conditioner in the spring and the furnace in the fall.

To learn more about how to improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling system, contact your local company offering affordable heating and air conditioning in Hiram. Partnering with a reputable HVAC company ensures that all the basic components of your system are serviced appropriately.
