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Common HVAC Problems in Summer

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Comfort Solutions, your top provider of HVAC Installation in Douglasville, Greater Atlanta, Marietta, and rural Georgia, is here to help you diagnose the most Common HVAC Problems in Summer that homeowners and business owners are likely to face. We’ll also explore what you can do about those problems, how to repair and maintain a viable HVAC Unit, and finally, we’ll help you discover how to know when it’s time to move on from your current HVAC System.

Get Your AC Fixed in Time for Another Sweltering Summer – Call Comfort Solutions for a FREE Analysis

You might think it’s strange for a top HVAC Installation Company in Douglasville and the Greater Atlanta area to be so interested in helping Georgia residents and business owners diagnose and handle their most Common HVAC problems. But if your home or business’s HVAC System is less than 10 years old, was manufactured by a reputable company, and was installed correctly by seasoned HVAC professionals, you should be able to improve performance by diagnosing and addressing some of the most Common HVAC Problems that Greater Atlanta and Georgia residents face each summer.

What Are Some of the Most Common HVAC Problems that Georgians Face in Summer Months?

"My fan blows, but my HVAC system won't turn on! Is there any hope?" 

There might be hope! While a unit not turning on may seem like a serious issue, the cause of the problem could be severe, but it is likely quite simple. Typically, thermostats are programmed to activate the fan consistently. If your A/C is set to start when the temperature reaches 78 degrees, but your home is 77 degrees, the fan may run if it’s programmed to do so, but your air conditioner will not. In this case, try adjusting the thermostat. If that does not work, you may have a blown fuse that will need to be replaced. If the problem persists, call Comfort Solutions, the best HVAC installation professional in Douglasville, to help fix the issue.

"My A/C is running non-stop, but my rooms are getting cool. Help!"

We know exactly how you feel! It can be infuriating when your air conditioner is running all the time, and running up your electricity bill, but still not effectively cooling your home. You have your A/C running as it usually does, but your house never seems to reach a comfortable temperature. If you are experiencing this problem, start diagnosing the problem by checking the air vents. Make sure they are open and not blocked by anything. Your A/C can also run inefficiently if there is a leak in the refrigerant line, or if there is a problem with your duct system. To inspect these items, we suggest getting the assistance of a seasoned HVAC professional. Comfort Solutions offers FREE assessments for your Greater Atlanta home or business, all in time to get your A/C working as quickly as possible.

"I feel like I haven't had my HVAC unit serviced in a while. I'm quite sure I have low freon/refrigerant levels. What do you suggest for that?" 

Another common summer HVAC issue is low levels of what most people call freon, but what most HVAC technicians call refrigerant. If the refrigerant is low in your home or business HVAC unit, it can lead to all sorts of issues with your Air Conditioners function and its efficiency. Whether it is caused by a leak in your unit, or your refrigerant levels are simply low from time and usage, you will need an HVAC professional to come to your home, inspect your system, and repair the problem by adding the right amount of refrigerant to give your system a boost in performance.

"My HVAC unit is making weird sounds, should I be concerned?" 

If your air conditioner is suddenly making any sounds that it ordinarily does not, there is cause for concern. Whether it’s a high-pitched squeal, a low-end rumble, a mid-range rattle, or anything in between, you should have your unit checked by a professional. A little bit of noise is normal, and, over time, your ears will get used to it, and you may not even hear it anymore. However, if you hear grinding, clanking, and other strange noises coming from the A/C, you should shut off the unit and call a professional to assess the situation. Several things can cause abnormal noises, such as loose parts and broken compressors; it is best to let an HVAC technician diagnose the problem.

"My unit seems like it has too much condensation and improper drainage, but is it really a problem?" 

A little bit of condensation on your air conditioner is normal. But if you start to see more condensation than usual, you may have a problem like a frozen coil, frozen pipe, a clogged A/C drain, or a whole host of other air conditioner problems. No brand of HVAC system is immune from condensation or improper drainage. The drainage system is one of the most common areas of HVAC systems that experience issues, especially during the summer. A professional HVAC contractor will be able to inspect the drainage system of your A/C and ensure it is working correctly.

Comfort Solutions is your top local HVAC installation professionals in the greater Atlanta area and beyond. We are here to help with the most common HVAC problems you'll face this summer. 

The official start of summer seems to always be right around the bend. But regardless of what the calendar says, the heat waves and random hot days seem more predictable every year. You can bet on a few things if you live in the Greater Atlanta area: traffic, sweet tea, and hot & humid summers. There are those days when the humidity seems to be fully liquid, and the temperature is quickly rising to a point of no return. Soon, your home or office air conditioning system will be running 24/7, which is a total necessity if you want your home to be cool and comfortable. But unfortunately, your HVAC system is not infallible. They are sophisticated pieces of machinery, but they are often left to their own devices unless you have a company that consistently repairs and maintains your HVAC units. Many businesses have a service contract with seasoned HVAC professionals who keep tabs on electricity usage, freon usage, and total efficiency. With even average domestic or commercial usage, your air conditioner may be more likely to break down at the most inopportune times, which is the last thing you want during a summer heat wave.

Contact us at Comfort Solutions Heating and Cooling the next time you need professional HVAC installation, troubleshooting, or repair. We are recognized for top-level HVAC repairs, HVAC maintenance, and HVAC Installation in Douglasville, Greater Atlanta, Marietta, and throughout the great state of Georgia. Call, contact, or use our handy live chat feature to get quick results for your HVAC problems this season.
