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The Effects Of Humidity On HVAC Performance

Serving Families Throughout Winston
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Summer is here, and meteorologists are already predicting heavy rains and hurricanes in the coming months. Your HVAC and local air conditioning service company in Douglasville can help you beat the heat and humidity this summer. Keep reading to learn how humidity affects your unit from Comfort Solutions.

Humidity and your HVAC performance 

Humidity is a problem for homeowners in the southeast mainly because of elevation and high volumes of precipitation. The summer heat is bearable for most people, but afternoon showers cause humidity levels to skyrocket. Excess moisture in the air intensifies atmospheric heat and can make breathing difficult for people with asthma and other respiratory problems. High humidity in your home is also problematic because it could be an indication of poor air circulation, mold, or an aging HVAC system. In addition to cooling your home, your A/C unit also helps remove excess moisture from the air. However, high humidity also forces your A/C to work harder. The harder your unit works, the higher your energy bill. If your HVAC is over 15 years old, it could be time to replace your unit with a newer, more energy-efficient model.

How to reduce humidity levels for better HVAC performance 

In addition to upgrading to a new HVAC, there are several things you can do to help reduce humidity levels in your home. First, check the weatherstripping around your doors and windows. Weatherstripping creates an airtight seal around these entry points, keeping cool air from escaping and locking out moisture. If you can see light or feel air moving around your exterior doors and windows, replace your weatherstripping. Secondly, invest in a dehumidifier that will remove excess moisture from the air. There are two kinds of dehumidifiers; a stand-alone unit that you can move around the home or a built-in model that connects directly to your HVAC unit. Built-in models are installed by an HVAC professional and they also increase the resale value of your home.

Humid places can wreak havoc on your HVAC performance 

Bathrooms are natural sources of humidity in the home which is why maintaining air circulation and ventilation in these areas is crucial to reducing humidity levels. Check and clean your ventilation fans regularly to ensure that excess moisture isn’t trapped in the room. By reducing moisture levels in the bathroom, you’ll also help reduce your chances of mold formation. Change out your old analog thermostat for a digital one that also reads humidity levels. Ideally, you want to try to keep humidity levels below 60%. Anything above that and you may experience trouble breathing, sleeping, excessive sweating, and general discomfort. Before summer temperatures get too high, schedule a tune-up with your local air conditioning service company in Douglasville. Annual tune-ups can help spot problems before they start and keep your unit running year-round.
